Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Lord Teach Us To Pray

Lord Teach Us To Pray

Series: The School of Prayer

In this heartfelt and challenging sermon, Ralph Walker delves into the prayer habits of Jesus, offering profound insights into how our Lord approached prayer throughout His life and ministry. Drawing from passages in Luke, Mark, and Matthew, Ralph examines when, where, and how Jesus prayed—revealing lessons on private communion with God, the significance of prayer during pivotal moments, and the importance of engaging the whole self in prayer.

Listeners will be encouraged to alter their prayer times and places, reconsider their posture in prayer, and assess their purpose in prayer. With thought-provoking illustrations and practical applications, this sermon serves as a call to deepen our prayer lives, following the example of Christ, who consistently sought His Father's will and glorified Him in every circumstance. Perfect for anyone seeking to grow in faith and prayerfulness!