Online Sermons

Lost & Found
Josh Vaughn
04/09/17 Sermon

Jesus On Trial
Terry Slack
04/02/17 Sermon

Psalm 119
Terry Slack
04/02/17 Sermon

One Step Forward...Three Steps Back
Terry Slack
03/26/17 Sermon

Courage and Cowardice
Terry Slack
03/19/17 Sermon

Is There Healing Today?
Terry Slack
03/19/17 Sermon

Translating Truth
James Miller
03/12/17 Sermon

King Jehu
Matt King
03/12/17 Sermon

Gleanings From Gethsemane
Terry Slack
03/05/17 Sermon

Blessed Assurance (cont.)
Terry Slack
03/05/17 Sermon

Winds of Change
Terry Slack
02/26/17 Sermon

Though You Knew
Jeff Smith
02/19/17 Sermon

Curt Roberts
02/19/17 Sermon

The Last Supper
Terry Slack
02/12/17 Sermon

Understanding Baptism
Terry Slack
02/12/17 Sermon

Born to Die
Terry Slack
02/05/17 Sermon

Who Are You? Why Are You Here?
Terry Slack
01/29/17 Sermon

Effective Prayer
Todd Reichert
01/29/17 Sermon

God in a Box
Terry Slack
01/22/17 Sermon

Ineffective Prayer
Chuck Durham
01/15/17 Sermon

How Great Is Your Faith?
Chuck Durham
01/15/17 Sermon

Solve Our Problems, But Save Our Pigs
Chuck Durham
01/15/17 Sermon

Counterfeit Christianity Unmasked
Chuck Durham
01/14/17 Sermon

The Comfortable Christian
Chuck Durham
01/13/17 Sermon